]> gitweb.tar-jx.bz Git - DictionaryPC.git/blob - compile.sh
Avoid unnecessary use of String.format.
[DictionaryPC.git] / compile.sh
1 ICU4J=/usr/share/java/icu4j-49.1.jar
2 test -r "$ICU4J" || ICU4J=/usr/share/icu4j-55/lib/icu4j.jar
3 JUNIT=/usr/share/java/junit.jar
4 test -r "$JUNIT" || JUNIT=/usr/share/junit/lib/junit.jar
5 COMMONS=/usr/share/java/commons-text.jar
6 COMMONS_COMPRESS=/usr/share/java/commons-compress.jar
7 if [ ! -x ../Dictionary ] ; then
8     echo "You need to clone the Dictionary repository (including subprojects) into .."
9     exit 1
10 fi
11 if [ ! -r "$ICU4J" ] ; then
12     echo "ICU4J needs to be installed"
13     exit 1;
14 fi
15 if [ ! -r "$JUNIT" ] ; then
16     echo "Junit needs to be installed"
17     exit 1;
18 fi
19 if [ ! -r "$COMMONS" ] ; then
20     echo "commons-lang needs to be installed"
21     exit 1;
22 fi
23 if [ ! -r "$COMMONS_COMPRESS" ] ; then
24     echo "commons-compress needs to be installed"
25     exit 1;
26 fi
27 mkdir -p bin
28 # -encoding is just a work around for user that still run systems
29 # with non-UTF8 locales
30 javac --limit-modules java.xml,java.logging -Xlint:all -encoding UTF-8 -g -d bin/ ../Dictionary/Util/src/com/hughes/util/*.java ../Dictionary/Util/src/com/hughes/util/raf/*.java ../Dictionary/src/com/hughes/android/dictionary/DictionaryInfo.java ../Dictionary/src/com/hughes/android/dictionary/engine/*.java ../Dictionary/src/com/hughes/android/dictionary/C.java src/com/hughes/util/*.java src/com/hughes/android/dictionary/*.java src/com/hughes/android/dictionary/*/*.java src/com/hughes/android/dictionary/*/*/*.java -classpath "$ICU4J:$JUNIT:$COMMONS:$COMMONS_COMPRESS"